Optimising Your Cash Flow


For my wife, Clara, who is clueless about all things to do with personal finance, with the distant hope that this series will help.

Thanks for always being there.

What’s in this series?

Who is it for?

How do I make the most of it?

That’s a lot of questions. Let’s find out more in the Introduction.

Quick Financial Ratios

Find out more about how to assess the health of your own finances and about your Assets, Liabilities, Income, and Expenses in this four part article.

Part 1: Total Net Worth & Debt to Asset Ratio

Part 2: Liquidity & Solvency Ratios

Part 3: Expense to Income & Investment to Income Ratios (coming soon)

Part 4: Term Insurance to Income Ratio & Months of Extended Sustainability (coming later)

Farid Baharuddin
1 min
5 cards

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